Photogrammetry uses methods from many disciplines, including optics and projective geometry. Digital image capturing and photogrammetric processing includes several well-defined stages, which allow the generation of 2D or 3D digital models of the object as an end product.
Photogrammetry falls under the broader category of Geomatics, and can be defined as;
“The art, science and technology of obtaining reliable information about physical objects and the environment through the process of recording, measuring and interpreting photographic images”.
A simplified definition could be the extraction of three-dimensional measurements from two-dimensional data (i.e. images). Close-range photogrammetry refers to the collection of photography from a lesser distance than traditional aerial photogrammetry.
From these photogrammetric models CUB3D can create high resolution 3D polygon meshes/models. This can be used as a great tool for recording assets in the digital format of historical or ancient artefacts that would usually be kept under lock and key. Again, these assets can be used in VR/AR platforms to allow wider access to view and scrutinise objects and places otherwise inaccessible. Photogrammetry is a great tool for recording and cataloguing.